KIND, PROFESSIONAL, EFFICIENT, RESPONSIVE. “Jeff has worked with our small, growing business for the past three years, and he has single handedly changed the direction of our company. From Quickbooks questions to ERTC filings to helping me talk through cash flow scenarios, Tarboro Brewing Company considers Jeff one of our largest assets. Beyond grateful to have him as part of our team.” – Wholesale Alcohol Distributor and Restaurant Operator April 2022
AN AMAZING ADVISOR! “Jeff is an incredible asset to our business. He stepped in to help with our stores on short notice from our CPA that had been doing our book keeping for the last 10 years. The new ideas and efficiencies he has brought to us has tremendous value that we were never getting with the old CPA we were using. I highly recommend Jeff for book keeping and accounting services you may need!” – Pharma Industry April 2022
EXCELLENT BUSINESS ADVISOR. “Before working with Jeff I lacked visibility into my company’s finances. He has a real world understanding of small business that is rare and invaluable.” – IT Industry April 2022